
Many people suffer from bodily or psychological symptoms for which no clear medical reason can be found. Such symptoms are often called psychosomatic or functional in medicine.

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The functional systems do not operate separate from each other but are tightly interwoven. This means that a certain symptom is treated best on all these functional systems.

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At the beginning of the first session there is a comprehensive conversation where we discuss whatever issue you brought to me. I explain how I work before the actual treatment begins.

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Dr. Michael Kücken

Welcome to my website

I am glad to tell you more about me and my work on these pages. "Wege zum Gleichgewicht" means "paths to balance". According to this motto I connect different therapeutic methods to bring body and soul back into balance.

Read more about my methods and how they might help you with bodily or psychological problems.


19. Juni 2024

19:00 - 20:30 Uhr

Rolfing Movement Abend
Praxis Wachsbleichstr. 67, Dresden
15 Euro, keine Anmeldung erforderlich

28. August 2024

19:00 - 20:30 Uhr

Rolfing Movement Abend
Praxis Wachsbleichstr. 67, Dresden
15 Euro, keine Anmeldung erforderlich

25. September 2024

19:00 - 20:30 Uhr

Rolfing Movement Abend
Praxis Wachsbleichstr. 67, Dresden
15 Euro, keine Anmeldung erforderlich


As a singer I am dependent on the complex functioning of posture, breathing, jaw joint, pelvic floor, spine, abdominal muscles and other body structures. Mr. Kücken was very often able to dissolve different blockages, tensions and dysfunctions so that my voice was perfectly placed and notes could easily be produced.
Helps to have a good therapist if you want to excel in sports. Thanks Michael.
The treatment with the Rolfing method for different symptoms in the musculoskeletal system had for me only positive results. Pains and restrictions disappeared immediately after the treatment or faded after a short time after the treatment.
In my opinion the way Dr. Kücken communicates the Rolfing method and answers questions about it contributes very much to the success of the treatment. The sessions take place in a very pleasant atmosphere - which is very factual and still empathic.
It is certainly important like in other treatment methods that the "chemistry" between therapist and client is right. For me this is certainly the case.

Do you want to get to know me? Then just call me or use the contact form.

Phone: +49(0)351 - 48 24 605
Contact Form